Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Hyvää Pääsiäistä

Pitkäperjantai (Good Friday) we went over to the summer cottage to help fell some trees and cut them up =) Weather was sunny so it was an enjoyable day. We had some lunch later on and finished up cutting trees then sat in the spring sun by the side of the lake. We sat talking about holidays, which have now been sorted (with the bonus we get back to Suomi for midsummer). Good Friday ended with a sauna!!!

Saturday was a relaxed day, went into city to get some shopping. Got back to the apartment and spent the afternoon baking for the family dinner on sunday. mmmm. We made a lemon cheesecake by request of the husband... Then I baked a few things that I could eat too, chocolate chip cookies and a luomu blackcurrant crumble cake (don't really think it has a name, thats what I call it)

Sunday we went to äiti's for lunch. Lovely *nom nom nom*. Ate what we brought and there were lot's of other traditional Finnish foods. I got to eat salmon too! The other good news of the weekend was my allergy to potatoes has passed... I will also react to uncooked fruits and vegetables but all things cooked to holy hell should now be fine. I can never eat whole grains, artificial additives etc but that's a small price to pay (they aren't any good for you anyway!!)

Monday the final day of a long weekend! I spent this job hunting for kesä jobs, randomly with the help of my favourite translator =) did some spring cleaning of the kitchen cupboards. Elisa and Joni came round in the afternoon and we played some boardgames and cards (next time we play Finnish games)... Then watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire...... *sighs*

A lovely first Easter in Suomi =)

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