Tuesday I had a seminar in Finnish all day, the one guy was great he agreed to speak more slowly so I could keep up or even speak in English. I took the Finnish option. Then the other speakers were harder to understand so 4 hours in to the seminar I gave up tired and went back home but I only missed the last speaker. The class that had been scheduled before it never happened so I had an extra hour early at school annoying as I didn't have my revision books with me! minus 24C all day with a cold wind.
Wednesday the day of my last exam, it went OK. I hope good but I don't like to tempt fate! Someone cried during the exam too... minus 26C when I left warmed up to minus 22C by the evening. I came home from my exam, ate then went to meet Britta so as we could walk to the hospital to see Marlen after his spinal surgery. We stayed and talked for just over an hour then we walked back. I walked 9.5km that day mostly in minus 24C no wonder my weight goes down and stays there! I wanted to go to bed early as I was tired after exam and all that exercise but somehow I stayed up late and was talking and texting Eero until late.
Thursday (today) has been chaos so much to do in preparation for leaving for Tampere tonight and Helsinki on Friday to end up in the UK... madness. Haven't stopped all day. Sorted the music out on my mp3 player and the PC, found all the pictures I want printed off, wrote recipes for my mom to have, shopped to get ingredients for Pulla, packed my hang luggage and over night bag for traveling. Paid a bill got some money, cooked food.
Kirsti (äiti Suominen) asked me to cook some pulla for her to freeze as use for Christmas so that's what I am doing now and almost done. Got a few small bars of chocolate too from the shop as someone has to turn up I haven't planned on!
Such a busy week, possibly quite boring to normal people. When I was at citymarket I also saw Sammie Lai and we chatted about life and we are both doing the next Finnish course! YEAH!!! Then I had to rush off as I had loads to do and bake!
Oh yeah, then the bad part, my tooth has been worse since I got it "fixed" in June. Today I brushed not to hard and it pissed blood for 20mins or so, I just kept spitting blood... disgusting but off to see the dentist next week... no doubt they will try and blame me saying I live of coke and sugar when I don't... ho hum.
We sent out our Christmas postcards, I wonder if they will beat me to the UK...
SHHH, We should be getting the new car tonight!!
I am excited about everything, this is why Eero and me are such a fun match... both bouncing around like 5 year olds... but life is good! and I can't wait for him to come out for Christmas! All the stress and wrapping will be done by then as he won't like the stress of the UK crowds! hehe
Sooo excited can't wait to see my mom, dad, grandparents, brothers, nieces, friends and my cute cats... esp Ebby =)
Got to dash now, need to get the pulla out the oven and out more in, cook my bread, blow dry my hair... the list is endless!
Our Christmas tree in Jyväskylä =)
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