Monday, 7 March 2011


Above are a few images from Harju, the source of Sunday's walk. Sunny, almost warm day. Next time, I will take my proper camera and we can go when the observatory is open. Still, another happy 8.5km walk talking to Mr chatty all the time.

End of last week I ordered the flapjacks, allergy friendly kind, the canvases which got delayed from some additional postage costs but should be dispatched Tuesday or Wednesday this week. And the book I ordered January with the others has finally been restocked and is on its way!

Eero also brought me some more allergy friendly goodies but they didn't have my favourite treat in stock and I appear to be reacting to vanilla so chocolate in bar forms is no longer part of my world. So hello, cocoa covered things!

Most of the weekend, I spent baking and perfecting the new allergy friendly cinnamon pullas with low sugar content (good taste). Mmmmm, they must be as they are nearly gone and they were only done yesterday!

I enjoyed winter holiday though it wasn't too productive for school work but I had a nice break and learnt some Finnish (it was nice to do nothing).

It's been sunny and warm mostly and around 6cm of snow has melted. Just 59cm more to go and we are snow free! (until next winter). I love the snow but I hate the ice and it's icy now and will be for around a month.

For now, it's back to school then to Tampere Friday after school and Turku on Saturday =)

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