Friday, 14 May 2010

Days of war

Well, today in the glorious sunshine we were going into city and going on a picnic but alas I was ill. Didn't even start until midday but continued until Eero was back from work around 2.30pm by that time I was tired and didn't feel well enough to go into city. So we stayed in Hervanta, went and sat by the lake and did some shopping.

26C today and very humid, we heard one rumble of thunder whilst walking around the lake and it even tried to rain (poor attempt at try, few drops) then bang sun and humidity back. Lovely weather I called home to gloat, cold and cloudy there!!!

I cleaned up the apartment a little and sorted a few things out I had meant to all week.

Mom and dad have booked the flights now so I am happy as a pig in poo! Such a busy summer.

Donna (Sherry) still hasn't had Libby May and James and Cory can hardly contain themselves (much like me!) I predict tomorrow will be the day.

Had a look at my temporary student accommodation, need to apply for it tomorrow but I am excited about September and getting a proper apartment in Jyväskylä.

Still annoyed that we were meeting Irina in city for an art gallery and picnic (don't know what made me that ill).

We went to get some stuff for my bike, all we need now is a kick stand and I'm good to go everywhere! photos pending. Whilst at äiti Suominen's I saw another orava (squirrel) running down the drive with a baby in her mouth, cute!

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